Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week One, Complete!

So I got through week one of California living. I have to say, it went really really fast and it was a really really good time. Things at work just get better everyday. I'm starting to figure out where I am, starting to *do* actual work and meeting lots of new people who seem to be really cool. I haven't yet moved into the trailer, but that'll be soon. I can't wait and I even have a coffee pot ready to take there. Ooooh, the coffee will be so delicious and plentiful. Since I'd have to ride my bike down a steep hill or up a steep hill for coffee in the aft, this is critical.

This weekend Miriam's parents came down from their Berkeley visit to spend the weekend here. They stayed in a little hotel down the street and we hung out Friday night, Saturday and today. Yesterday the coolest thing happened. Miriam's dad designed and built the greatest bookcase for our apartment. It's so perfect and allowed us to move a lot of books and stuff into it and free up a ton of space in the place. I'm going to post a few photos next of it. Everyone chipped in a bit. Drilling, sanding, etc. It was a fun project and the end result was awesome. So, thanks SO MUCH!!!!!

Today Matt and Michelle came down to S.C. and we all went to Natural Bridges State Beach. It was a so beautiful. It is known for it's yearly migration of Monarch Butterflies and the best time to see them is between mid-October and late January, so it was perfect. We saw thousands of them and they were just beautiful. We were able to see huge clusters of them camouflaging themselves in the trees. There was a dude with a telescope and when you looked in, all you could say was WOW. Pretty neat. Then we walked down to the sandy beach and had a delicious picnic. We hung out there for a while stacking rocks, talking, playing frisbee and laughing. It was such a nice way to spend a Sunday. After a nice cup of coffee at Kelly's French Bakery, we said goodbye to the four of them and headed off back to the apartment.

We put a bunch of stuff into the bookcase, took out a lot of recycling, did lots of laundry, and hung the star light. Ahhh, the star light. It's nice to have that back up as it really makes me feel like I'm at home again. If only we could paint our room Santa Monica Blue. Soon, I hope, in the next place. Maybe. Anyway, it was a nice weekend and I'm looking forward to this week at work. Glynnis and Rosalie are coming up on Thursday and Lisa and family are coming down from San Fran on Friday. So, the end of the week will be busy with guests.

Oh and I worked out at Crossfit this morning for the first time in two weeks and holy shit, I thought I was going to die. Literally. I've never felt more nauseous after a workout than I did this morning. I'm completely out of shape after only two weeks and that's a little heartbreaking. I'm planning to go a few times this week to get myself back into it quickly.

OK, more later. Hope you all are doing well. Gouldie is home from the hospital (YEAH), my San Diego chicks are out of harm's way and everyone else seems to be reporting in just fine. I'm bummed to hear I missed a rager Halloween party at Jon's. Damn, Jon, you didn't even invite me. Hmpf.

Love to you all.


Everyone chipping in on the book shelf.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Now What?

I miss writing about my drive. Though of course I don't actually miss the driving. I'm not really sure if anyone will check this now that I've arrived, but figured what the hell. I'll post about my first couple of working days in Santa Cruz.

Man, the first few days of a new job are exhausting. Lots of paying attention, being nice, being in a good mood, trying to always listen and ask questions and absorb. By the end of the day, I am whipped. I really like it so far though.

Today was my second day and I got to just take a walking tour, by myself, around campus. I was handed the crappiest map on earth -- and we all know how good I am with decent maps, think about me and a shitty one -- and told to be back by 1. I had a lovely walk, it's so beautiful up here. Walking through the redwoods. But, I got totally lost. I ended up walking out of the redwood path onto a road somewhere very very downhill and far away from where I began. That didn't matter though because I found myself staring out at the beautiful ocean. It was pretty amazing. I was pretty far down the hill and it was quite hot today and of course I am wearing a black shirt, so I decided to take a bus back up to the top. Lazy Neile. I went to the bookstore, which is in the same area as the student union and, seriously, it could NOT be more different from U of M. It looks like a ski resort. I am not kidding. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, but will take some soon and show you. You just won't believe where I am working now.

I found out that my work space will be in a TRAILER that was slated for the dump. Just like the SoM, space is hard to find. They want me supporting the plant and facilities people and they are down on the south side of campus. I call it Base Camp and what it means to me is that I won't have to ride my bike all the way up the hill every day. I'm pretty stoked about that. I'm not quite sure what it means to work in a trailer, but I really don't care. I'm happy here. They pay me well, I have health insurance, I can still ride my bike to work and I get to come home to Miriam every day. Oh yeah, and the ocean is 10 minutes away. So, it's not so bad. I have yet to see this space, so we'll see how excited I am after that. I had this fear today that I'll have to pee in a port o potty outside the trailer like a construction contractor. My foot is going down about that, if that's the case. I really doubt that's the case.

There are so many things I have to do still. Get a bus pass, get a rec building pass, find an rball partner (I miss our games, Ron!), etc. So many things to do to make this my home. Slowly it's all coming together though. M and I decided to get a small storage spot for extra stuff until we find a bigger place. We'll be looking for a two bedroom after the first of the year. Until then, anything that we don't need or want on a daily basis will go to our satellite apartment down the street.

Well, so that's all I have to report right now. Work will start to get a bit interesting when I get my accounts set up and whatnot. I still don't have a UCSC email address. Turns out, it'll probably be something really lame like neileris. BAH.

OK, I miss you all very much and think about you often. Please write or comment. I love hearing from you.

Take care.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

First Couple of Days!

Wow, what an incredible two first days in California! I showed up in Berkeley pretty early on Friday, around 2pm. Miriam wouldn't be there until 4, so I killed time in a cafe and just tooling around Berkeley.

Before that, and after I left Truckee, I drove to Tahoe to check it out. It was a beautiful 15 minute drive down a winding road lined with tons and tons of trees. The rec area I wanted to walk around was closed for winter (!!!), and there was a looming storm that the local news idiots were freaking out about, so I decided to just get going to Berkeley. The drive was not bad at all. Going through the Sierras was incredible. Long and curvy and lots of people driving way too fast. I just cruised along in the right lane, not taking any risks. I had come to far to mess it up now by being reckless like everyone else.

I can't tell you what an amazing feeling it was to see a sign that said "Berkeley 26 miles". After all the driving, the states I left behind me. To see that Miriam and crew were only 26 miles --- it was a bit overwhelming. I sat on my car on Hilgard waiting for her. Glynnis and I had a really fun conversation and then I sat alone for a while. Just waiting. And I was really nervous. My phone rang and it was her, and I was bummed because I realized she was probably stuck in traffic somewhere. When I answered, she said "is that you sitting up the street?" And there she was at the end of the block. It was just so great to be together again. After all this time. All this planning. All the work and the crying and the worrying and the driving. And there we were. Standing together on Hilgard in Berkeley.

We went in and the whole crew was there to greet us. Everyone so excited and happy, it was wonderful. Michelle had made some signs (pics below) welcoming me to Northern California. So awesome! After hanging out and catching up for a bit, we piled into cars and drove to this delicious Italian restaurant called Rivoli (that's where the I Made It picture came from). Food and fun times. This dinner was also celebrating M & M's parents 40th (!!!!!) wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, once again!!! Truly remarkable.

On Saturday we woke up and got breakfast at Cheeseboard (the best bread/pastry/cheese shop in the world). Then we all walked down to the farmer's market. Miriam and I did a bit of shopping at Monterey Market and after a really really funny interaction with Anne back at Hilgard (details another time) we headed off for Santa Cruz.

I had to follow Miriam because she had her car and I have to say this last bit of driving was the longest and most stressful of them all. First, because the highways are HUGE, like 8 lanes in both directions and PACKED. There are WAY too many people in California --- and I just added one more. Oy. Anyway, we did finally make it and it was wonderful to be here. To be home. With Miriam.

This morning, Miriam really wanted to see the Orionoid meteor shower, so we set the clock for 4 and were going to head down to the beach. I got out of bed and turned on the coffee and we figured we'd sleep for a few minutes while the coffee brewed. When we woke up we discovered it was 6:20! Ugh. We jumped out of bed, grabbed coffee and headed down to the E. Cliff. The sun was starting to come up, but it was still dark on our side. We sat down on a big rock in front of the ocean and waited. We didn't see any meteors, which was a bummer, but we did see the most beautiful sunrise over the ocean. The waves were huge and awesome and there were lots of surfers. We sat there for a long time and it was just a great way to start the day here. Afterwards, we made breakfast and just headed out to do errands and unpack.

The unpacking will take a while and it'll be a little overwhelming, but it'll get done soon and then we can just settle in and work and live our lives. We're both really excited for that, so that'll be the motivation to get moving with settling in here.

So, that's about it so far. I realize this is long and I want to post some photos too. Tomorrow I start my job at UC Santa Cruz. I'm nervous, but really really excited. I have a good feeling that my email address will be, which would be AWESOME. OK, here are a few photos and I will talk with you all soon. Please write me, I miss you! And thanks so much for all of your comments. It's been such an incredible experience for me, this drive across the country, and I really felt like you all were there with me through this site and that's just rad.

I love you!

Just outside the Truckee Diner, where I had my first real breakfast in a week.



Whooo Hoooo!

The Crew, minus Matt. Matt, how'd I miss you?!??!

Michelle's welcome signs. Just awesome!! Thank you again, eyebrows!!!

Beautiful Miriam!

Whooo Hoooo!


Saturday, October 20, 2007


Friday, October 19, 2007

Best Mood Ever!

Good morning from Truckee, CA! It's so wonderful to wake up knowing that a: I am in California; b: I do not have to rush; and c: I have only a three hour drive to Berkeley today.

Strangely, I woke up at 5am, wide awake. I couldn't go back to sleep so I watched local news and surfed around. After having breakfast on the phone with Miriam, I took a wonderful shower and started packing up my things. The whole time I'm packing, I'm smelling the sweet sweetness of coffee someplace. And it smells soooo good. I got dressed, packed up the car a bit and went into the front desk to find three big things of delicious coffee. I had to get some stuff at a drug store, and the woman at the front said "yep, you sure can WALK there". So I did. I took a cup of coffee with me and walked. The weather feels so wonderful outside. It's cloudy and will rain any second, but it's about 55 or so and just wonderful. Being up in these mountains surrounded by trees, it's just an incredible way to wake up. I'd highly recommend you all come here and stay at this place. Just wonderful.

I wanted to say another thing about Dorothy too. K-Lo & Nelly: the ONLY reason I found a gas station (needed it) and this wonderful Inn is because of Dorothy. I pulled over and asked Dorothy what was the closest hotel around. She is the only reason I am not in a Day's Inn or some other crappy place. This was a WONDERFUL gift you gave me. Thank you thank you thank you!

Next I will go get my first real meal since Monday night. Eeeks. It's been too long. I'm going to some restaurant on Donner's Pass called Smokey's or something. I asked the woman at the front where she would send her sister for her first real meal in 4 days. She said Smokey's.

I'll snap a bunch of pictures today and post later -- from Berkeley I suppose. It's crazy how fast this all went. I wonder when I'll start freaking out about the fact that I'm starting a new job on Monday. Cripes.

Love you all!

p.s. thanks to Mike for the new Burnt Bun image and to Jon for resizing it. so funny!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A few pics

My view from the room. Isn't it beautiful?!?!?

More of my room! It's perfect.

Here's my room in Truckee. I LOVE IT!

I can't get enough of burnt bun and aloha rabbit. And cool mountains back there!

I got a little bored and put my camera on the dashboard to show you what I was seeing. Don't worry, I was very very careful.

Welcome to California!

So I'm driving through Nevada, and damnit it's taking forever. Dorothy tells me good things "200 miles to go", but it just seems like it'll never end. I'm tired, uncomfortable and ready to see a new state. California. I decide to just shuffle my entire iPod and after skipping the first couple of songs, Jeff Tweedy sings this Woody Guthrie written song and it's just lovely. So, here are the lyrics and then I'll continue with my post. I love this song and it definitely cheered me up for those last 200 miles!

Id like to rest my heavy head tonight
On a bed of california stars
Id like to lay my weary bones tonight
On a bed of california stars
Id love to feel your hand touching mine
And tell me why I must keep working on
Yes, Id give my life to lay my head tonight
On a bed of california stars
Id like to dream my troubles all away
On a bed of california stars
Jump up from my starbed and make another day
Underneath my california stars
They hang like grapes on vines that shine
And warm the lovers glass lke friendly wine
So, Id give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of california stars

OK, so back to Nevada. I don't like this state. Each stop was weird and creepy. Lots of smoke. Lots of gambling and it was really depressing. I hated stopping each time. And I felt kind of scared. The scenery, of course, was gorgeous and I so appreciated that! Definitely. My stopping point today was supposed to be Reno. Here's what happened:

I didn't eat very much today and was pretty hungry by the time I got there. I had about 2 miles until I got to the hotel and there it was. Like a beacon in the daylight. IN N OUT BURGER! Yummy. The only fast food place I will allow myself to go. How I've craved it. So I peel off the highway and into the parking lot. I'm SO excited. I phone Miriam and leave a silly message and head across the parking lot into the place. On my way across, a kid in a pick up truck with ear phones on almost mows me down. I jump out of the way and glare. Then, just as I'm about to walk in I hear a crash behind me. He totally crashed into a parked car in the lot. And it definitely freaked me out. I don't know what was going on, but I went in and tried to just forget it. I originally asked her to make my order for there, but quickly changed my mind as I looked around and realized I had to get the hell out of that state.

I phone Cassie to see if she'd help find me the next closest town and while we weren't able to figure it out quickly, it was really really nice to hear a friendly voice. And Dee was there too and it made me feel so much better to hear them! So, thanks ladies!

My order was up, I grabbed the bag and got the hell back on 80 West. 9 miles later, I was tearing up seeing the Welcome to California sign. I couldn't believe I had made it. And everything was just so beautiful. I was in the mountains and the trees were just incredible and I knew I had made the right decision getting out of Reno.

I had to pass through an agricultural inspection place and the dude asked where I was coming from and if I had any wild animals. We laughed as he said "besides you, of course." He made me laugh and told me a gas station was just up ahead. Whew. Once I filled up, I asked Dorothy where the closest hotel was. She said it was .2 miles away.

So here I am at the Inn of Truckee. It's fabulously perfect. The woman at the desk gave me the AAA discount "to make your travels a little easier" and my room really is perfect. One bed. A TV. A desk. Wireless and a window that looks out onto the street and a tree covered mountain. It's just beautiful and wonderful and I really couldn't be happier at this moment. Well, if Miriam were here I'd be happier, but this is a close second.

Tomorrow is my big day. I get to sleep in and I think I'll go over to Tahoe for a bit and walk around. I haven't had any exercise all week and am definitely feeling it. Then I will make my way to Berkeley and see the Allersma crew. Whooooo Hoooooo!

This was a long post. It's funny, after I left Moxie's today I didn't think I'd have anything to say. Boise.

Thanks for all of your comments. I LOVE logging in and seeing those. Really, they mean a lot so don't stop.

More tomorrow (or later if something odd happens).

Miss you!!


Straight Roads and Pacific Time Zone

holy crap, where to begin?! first of all, i'm in elko, nevada right now. i
crossed over into nevada about an hour and a half ago. something like that. i
crossed over and was bombarded immediately with signs of casinos, gambling,
girls, everything. it was so weird coming from the quiet road and beautiful
scenery of utah into that. so far nevada is not really my thing. it's not
that the mountains haven't been beautiful. they have. jaw droppingly
beautiful. going over these mountains and reaching the top and then seeing the
world from that high up, it's just incredible. i wish i could take pictures of
what i've seen, but it's just not possible.

so, elko! i followed signs to a starbucks because i figured wireless, right?
well, the s-bucks is in a casino. ok, i can deal. so i park and open just the
first set of doors and am hit with SMOKE. lots of it and i can see slot
machines and madness inside. i immediately turn around. i decide to check out
a place called Moxie's across the street, they have coffee. but it doesn't
seem like the kind of place to have interweb, so i decide to check out elko's
main road, Idaho St. (BOISE!). there is nothing but scary motels and casinos.
then i see a sign that says elko is a citywide hot spot. so i take a chance on
Moxie's. i walk in and it's a super cute little place with couches and a
really nice woman who made me a coffee with a shot. this is where i am writing
from now.

it's so nice to not be in the car for a few minutes, though i have really really
enjoyed the drive so far today. leaving utah this morning when the sun was
just about to come up was incredible. the mountains and snow and everything,
just beautiful. then as the sun came up behind me it lit the horizon and the
mountains and with the clouds, it just made the mountains look so beautiful.
80 west from utah is very very straight. i mean like you can see the end of
the world straight. it's hard to stay focused, but i had great music and lots
of coffee and just plowed on.

i started the day again with American Beauty. i don't know what it is about
that album, but it starts my day off right. i just feel like nothing bad can
happen when you are listening to jerry garcia and the band. cheesy maybe, but
i don't care. i'll take whatever encouragements i can on this trip.
i stopped in a tiny gas station in an area called Salt Flats just a mile from
nevada, don't ever stop there! the bathrooms were disgusting. and i felt
like i had seen that place in a horror movie. but, damnit the coffee was GOOD!

if this damn computer weren't so slow i'd post a few pics i took today of the
mountains. i guess those will have to wait until tomorrow. TOMORROW!! i will
be in berkeley tomorrow. this week has flown by.

ok, off to actually post this (i write in notepad in case of crashing). oh,
one last thing. i thought a lot of mike on this last leg. maybe because
nevada reminds me of him, i don't know. but, he gave me this good luck coin to
borrow on my trip and i am constantly making sure it is in my pocket. it meant
so much that he let me use this and i just wanted to mention it because i've
been thinking about it. when he gave it to me, i was about to break down and
couldn't tell him how much it meant at the time. so i say it now. thanks
mike! your the best big brother anyone could ever have!

i really miss you all -- so much! and i'm thinking about all of the crazy
stuff we've all done and sometimes it makes me laugh out loud. fun.
now i'm really going. love to you all!!!

p.s. i'm out of phone range again, so my apologies to those who have called. i can't answer. DAMNIT


One more long driving day!

Good morning.

This is my last big day of driving. I can't remember, but something like 600 miles. I was just watching the local news as I get ready to go and the part of 80 that I was on yesterday over the canyons was closed this morning because of snow and two jack knifed semis. Damn, I'm glad I made it over yesterday. Some places got a lot of snow, but I think from this point on I *should* be OK.

I'm a little tired. Hotel living is not for me. Off to Reno. I think I should have a signal on my phone for a long time today so if anyone wants to call and keep me company, feel free :) Also, I changed this thing so you don't have to register to make a comment.

I hope you all are doing well. I'll be in Berkeley tomorrow. OH YEAH!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Some pics

This is where I posted in Iowa. No seats by the plugs. Grrr.

Somewhere in Illinois filling up.

K-Lo & Nelly just before our delicious meat loaf meal! Yummy!

Crazy Weather and Airplanes Outside my Window

I'm in a Microtel off of 80 West in Salt Lake City. Outside my window are these beautiful snow covered mountains. So rad! I am also on the flight path for the airport so planes are literally flying outside my window. They are incredibly low (I'm on the third floor and they are at my level), but it's really quiet. So, occasionally I look to my left and a plane flies by. Really strange, but I love it. I love the mountains more.

So, after my last post I actually had 340 miles to go. The last 200 were pretty rough. It was just long and I was getting really tired. And then I ran into some nasty weather. I seemed to miraculously escape the worst of it though. But, it did rain and snow on me. Plus the wind was really really strong. At one point there was a black cloud that looked like a giant broom sweeping along the land. It was to my right and completely avoided the highway. I could watch this system move along and I could see the snow blowing sideways. I've never seen anything like it. It was really cool. I wasn't always as lucky and did get hit hard in a couple of spots. I kept repeating to myself "just stay cool, hide behind the trucks and at least you can still see the road". When the trucks weren't riding my ass because I was going so slow, they were my best friends.

Crossing into Utah was really cool and beautiful. Lots and lots of gorgeous mountains and colors. The sun came out for a bit and it was incredible. Then going over more mountains, we got slammed with snow. Finally I landed in Salt Lake City. It was a bit of culture shock being in a big city with lots and lots of cars merging from all over. Dorothy and I were freaking a bit. She especially when I didn't get off at the exit we had decided on. I changed my mind and kept going a bit on 80 to get out of the city. It turned out OK because I found this little hotel for half the price of last nights. I have wireless, my food suitcase and my flask .

Tomorrow it's Reno and then Miriam in Berkeley. This trip is going by really quickly.

I hope you all are well. I'll try and post pics after I post this.



blogger won't take my pictures right now. i'll try again later.


Me and the Trucks

greetings from laramie, wyoming. eeks. i've been on the road for about four
hours so far today. i said goodbye to nebraska in a pretty incredible way. it
was the most amazing thing i've ever seen.

when i left at 7, it was still really really dark and VERY foggy. scary foggy.
i camped out behind a truck, put in American Beauty and just hoped it would
burn off soon. i got off to get gas at a tiny little town called Chappell.
tiny and weird. i pulled into a gas station, filled up and went in to get
coffee and pee. a crowd of norman's were in there drinking coffee looking at
me in my ripped up shorts and elmo shirt like i was an alien. i asked if they
thought the fog would burn off soon and they just shook their heads. oy.

so i get back on the highway, find another truck and just camp out behind it.
i can see only about 600 feet ahead. and i felt like i was in a tunnel. i
hate driving in fog. the sun was coming up behind and it was coloring my fog
tunnel in really weird ways. one minute it would be blue, the next it was
orange. so creepy.

all of a sudden, and i mean ALL OF A SUDDEN, like someone had flipped a switch,
i was OUT OF IT. and it was crystal clear, beautiful Nebraska. just
beautiful. as far as i could see was just highway and land. rolling little
hills. green and brown. blue sky with some sprinkling of clouds. it really
was incredible. probably the most beautiful and shocking thing i've ever seen.
i kept thinking to myself "everyone must do this drive at least once in their

crossing into wyoming was pretty cool too. how quickly the landscape changes.
and i could see mountains. the colors of the leaves on the trees were changing
and it was all just so overwhelming and beautiful! and there was some snow on
the ground.

finding internet was difficult, but melissa suggested i get off in laramie and give it a shot. i filled up with gas and asked nora if she knew where i could find internet. when she said "find what?" i knew i was in trouble. i decided to just check out the town and found the coolest coffee/internet place called The Grounds. it's awesome and perfect and it's where i am now.

i am seriously loving this trip. seeing the country this way and feeling so lucky to be able to do it. so lucky! and knowing what is waiting for me when i reach my destination gives me so much energy to keep going. seriously, four hours felt like NOTHING.

Dorothy tells me i have about 300 miles to Salt Lake where i will stay for the night. i'll try and post a couple of pics from yesterday. i tried this morning, but blogger wouldn't take them. hmpf.
hope you all are doing well. can't wait to tell you more when i get to utah.
i miss you!!neils

Beautiful Salta Lake City Awaits

I'm heading out of North Platte in a few minutes, but forgot to write that on Monday night, or actually Tuesday morning, right before I woke up, I had a dream that Arnold Schwartzenegger (spelling?) and I were lifting weights together. Then he grabbed and shoulder pressed me. Then I woke up and got on the road

I slept really well on this compmfy bed, but it's strange how hotels don't have accomodations for one person. I'm in a huge room with TWO queen size bed. They should have five 'single traveler' rooms for $50. Yeah. Jon: you should have come with me. There was plenty of room.

Also wanted to say thanks AGAIN to K-Lo & Nelly for Dorothy. Holy crap! What would I have done without her? Who knows where I would have ended up. She's all programmed for SLC, so here we go. You girls are way too good to me.

I'll post a pic from yesterday now. It's my sad little wireless state in Iowa.

Love to you all!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Well Hello North Platte, NE!

Cripes. I made it. I'm sitting on my hotel bed with a dinner of red pepper, goat cheese, crackers, salami and avocado. Oh and a flask full of Gin! Yummy. The last 140 miles was tough. The last 41 were brutal. Especially when I went to reach for my ringing phone only to find I was in digital roam ($$$$). And I still am. Stupid Sprint.

Anyway, I got here around 6:30 or so bleary eyed and exhausted. I was on the road for 750 miles just today.

Iowa was really beautiful and it was cool that their rest areas had wireless. Even if I had the slowest computer on earth and had to sit on the floor to be able to plug into the power outlet, it was super cool. Nothing really exciting or eventful happened. I didn't even see anything weird. The bikes stayed on top of the car, Burnt Toast didn't throw up, Aloha Rabbit just chilled to the music and Dorothy told me where to go.

Nebraska was really pretty too. After being very cloudy most of the way, it was sunny and gorgeous all the way to North Platte.

Tomorrow I head off to Salt Lake City. It'll be another long day of driving, but not as bad as today. I just kept thinking how lucky I am to be able to do this. To be able to start this new life with Miriam in Santa Cruz and it was all I needed to motivate myself to reach my time points. I can't wait to be sitting in an Italian restaurant in Berkeley on Friday with Miriam and her whole crew.

The pictures that Jon posted of the party and everything were SO fun! Thanks so much, Jon, for getting those up there. My mom saw them and LOVED them. She thinks you all are great. I miss you all and was totally cracking up several times thinking of the crazy shit we did at the party. Remember "Dee came over the other night and taught me a lesson!", as I held up the wooden spoon? AHAHHAA.

OK, off to sleep. More tomorrow.


Three States Behind Me

It took me 25 minutes to get connected, but here I am. On the floor of a rest area in Iowa between the men and womens bathrooms. I just met a minister from Watsonville, CA and his new bride from East Lansing, MI. They got married on Sat and are headed back to Colton, CA. Funny. I have several pieces of jeebus literature now. They were very very sweet.

So, getting out of Illinois wasn't easy, lots of traffic. Dorothy did a nice job getting me on 80W. She freaked when I got off to get gas and pee, but she recovered quickly when she realized what was going on. I'd love to post pics, but it'll take forever and I'm a bit behind schedule.

Just wanted to check in. I'm currently listening to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical and singing as loud as I can. It's keeping me happy and awake.

Next post hopefully from Nebraska! I'm very happy!

Love love,


In 15 minutes, I'll be on my way to North Platte, NE. I've decided to take the boot camp approach to this day. Four sets of 3 hours. That's it. Last night K-Lo and Nelly bought me a little GPS thing for car. It's going to reach out and smack the shit out of me if I take a wrong turn. Her name is Dorothy. I can't wait to stick her on the windshield and head out.

Must go repack food stuff in the car and get going. Wish me luck and I hope to post from somewhere in Iowa next.


Monday, October 15, 2007

American Beauty

Burnt Toast and I made it to Chicago! I'm at a coffee place with a delicious latte trying to be as patient as I can with the slowest computer on earth. I miss LIttle Buddy.
My drive here was very easy and flew by. If you ever pack your car full of your belongings and head out on a cross country trip, I'd HIGHLY recommend listening to Grateful Dead's American Beauty about 4 times. It put me in the greatest mood and I didn't even think about the drive. Just what was waiting for me. THank you SO MUCH to Lisa & Steve for that disc. I can't believe you remembered, but I'm so glad you did. And thanks to Melissa for reminding me where it was :)
It's fun to be in my old Chicago neighborhood now, but it definitely doesn't feel like home anymore.
Off to K-LO & Nelly's now. Keep commenting, it was fun to log on and see those.

Miss you all!

Today's the Day!

Shit. Today is the day. I just had to say goodbye to Mike and Aline. That wasn't easy. None of my goodbyes were. OK, I'll just say see you later.

My car is totally packed thanks to Melissa. She's the world champ car packer. I had many breakdowns yesterday, but one specifically relating to my car and how much shit I had to put in there. Melissa got everything in and it's totally packed. I can't even remember what is in there. I just know that I couldn't have done it without her. So, thanks Melissa.

The bikes are strapped on top, two bags of food are packed. I have some cold stuff to put in the food suitcase, bundle up my passenger seat bag, grab my iPod and I'm out.

Chicago is my first stop where K-Lo and Nelly will feed me meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Can't wait.

I'll be back in December. I just have to keep repeating that and it won't be as hard to leave.

More later...

Friday, October 5, 2007

T Minus 7 Days, 18 Hours

The Plan: 

Ann Arbor, Michigan on a Monday morning.
First stop, KLo and Nelly in Chicago.  
Then the real driving begins:
North Platte, Nebraska - 11 hours
Salt Lake City - 9 hours
Reno - 7.5 hours
Berkeley Baby - 4 hours
Oh yeah!

Many miles.

All in One Week!  It *can* and *will* be done!