Monday, October 15, 2007

American Beauty

Burnt Toast and I made it to Chicago! I'm at a coffee place with a delicious latte trying to be as patient as I can with the slowest computer on earth. I miss LIttle Buddy.
My drive here was very easy and flew by. If you ever pack your car full of your belongings and head out on a cross country trip, I'd HIGHLY recommend listening to Grateful Dead's American Beauty about 4 times. It put me in the greatest mood and I didn't even think about the drive. Just what was waiting for me. THank you SO MUCH to Lisa & Steve for that disc. I can't believe you remembered, but I'm so glad you did. And thanks to Melissa for reminding me where it was :)
It's fun to be in my old Chicago neighborhood now, but it definitely doesn't feel like home anymore.
Off to K-LO & Nelly's now. Keep commenting, it was fun to log on and see those.

Miss you all!


meems said...

Um, so does Melissa have any Dutch heritage? I ask because it would be the only way to explain how she got the extreme packing gene.

Ron said...

Dunno about the Dutch bit - methinks is has more to do with which hemisphere the operator's working out of. Right-hemisphered folks tend to have superior visualization skills that are a must to be a good packer. Go southpaws!!