Tuesday, October 16, 2007


In 15 minutes, I'll be on my way to North Platte, NE. I've decided to take the boot camp approach to this day. Four sets of 3 hours. That's it. Last night K-Lo and Nelly bought me a little GPS thing for car. It's going to reach out and smack the shit out of me if I take a wrong turn. Her name is Dorothy. I can't wait to stick her on the windshield and head out.

Must go repack food stuff in the car and get going. Wish me luck and I hope to post from somewhere in Iowa next.



meems said...

you can program her voice right... so make her say "you're not in kansas anymore"

i hate roaming.

dee said...

Dorothy?? You should have totally named it Tyra. Pfft....

Safe GPSing travels.

Cassie said...

YEAH Iowa stop!!! Please to be giving details of where you are and what you see!

woodardj said...

here's a gift for you and your readers this morning. just a little somethin' to get you through your tuesday.